Saturday, September 25, 2010

This cartoon represents the Supreme Courts and decisions that are taken before them each years, this particular decision is that of what we should do about the Defense of Marriage Act, It has been a topic of discussion for quite a few years now and will at some point require some provisions as it does deprive some civil rights granted earlier in the bill of rights.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

This weeks cartoon is just a comical example of a serious problem. One of the Legislations I found interesting was " support 21 act of 2009" it was concerning education children and adults alike on the risk and dangers of underage drinking, Here i sorta depict that in a cartoon including one of the house representatives and his underage son out drinking.
I have not yet heard a reply on my email to congressman Gresham, but regardless of if i do or not, I certainly learned that just educating myself on what is going on and taking some inititive can make me a better more responsible citizen.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The campaign finance reform pamphlet explains public funding, how it is used, who qualifies, and how to contribute to it.

It begins by giving a brief history of it beginning in 1976; however this certainly wasn’t the first time in history it had been talked about. It is dated as early back as 1907.

The brochure breaks down how public funding works, by explaining how it is determined and the amounts limited. In a general election a candidate may be able to receive up to $20 million plus the cost of living for campaigning.

It further explains the limits per state based on the number of eligible voters possible. The brochure also explains certain rules in which repayment of funds may be required, also the brochure gives details on how we may be able to support our candidate from limited financial contributions to volunteering our time in campaigns as well as even limited personal advertising as long as it is on our own and not through a candidate or his campaign.

The brochure is a great tool in understanding a campaign process and how we can help, as well as gives us the resources to obtain a report of exactly how these funds are being spent.

To obtain a copy of this brochure please visit
my cartoon this week is about the campaign portion of an election. We are always promised great things and typically get the opposite once they are in. In my oppinion this is what a campaign ad should say based on performance.
My cartoon represents the federalist vs. anti-federalist

Farmer Fed represents the federalist and the cows he is about to milk represent the anti-federalist and their views on federalism. The anti federalist fear that the federalist will control them and “milk” them for money and all freedoms. That feared that with having a federal government that the land and freedoms would all change and become more like that of the land they had just fled.

This cartoon represents several things within the bill of rights. First of all the church and the people are representing the Freedom of Religion. According to the 1st amendment of the bill of rights all persons have the right to their own beliefs and are free to assemble together to worship their way. While they are enjoying their freedom of religion across the street is yet another group of people who are called the Atheist Group, those who do not believe in God, they are exercising their right to freedom of speech. Here in the United States people have the right to speak as they choose as long as it does not cross the lines of slander, or provoke violence. We see a lot of protest in the United States. The problem with that is I think it is a thin line when it comes to protesting as it often does turn into fighting and riots. But as we all know this happens every day in this land that we call freedom.
My cartoon represents a comical yet realization of what starts with a push poll. Push polls can carry it to far sometimes in making statements that can lead people to believe something that isn’t true. Then that person tells someone else and then someone else and so on and so on, until the statement that began is so far stretched it is in no ways similar to that of what it was originally. In my opinion this type of poll should not be allowed as it is misleading to the citizens of this great country.

Friday, September 3, 2010

This weeks reading assignment  really caught me by surprise, I would have never thought that the public was as little informed as we are with all of the news media's we have available. In the comparison of the 80's and today we have so many more outlets to turn to in order to be informed yet according to this study the only real change that i took was the percentage of college graduates in compared to that time period. I realized while reading this that I too am guilty of not keeping up with current events as i should. This was disturbing but enlightening and has encouraged me to be in the top most informed group of people, so therefore I will be visiting important news sites, watching those news programs and reading more papers.